„Maurer Industrie-Elektronik“ was founded by Otto Maurer
On 01/04/1998 our CEO Otto Maurer registered his new founded company at the commercial register in Ulm. Thus the foundation stone was laid to start with a production. Right from the start “Maurer Industrie-Elektronik” acts as industry supplier and as service provider in the area of erection works and installations. At that time, the head office was the former youth room.
Relocation into the new company building
In the new construction we assimilated a production and the administration. The variety of products as well as the number of employees could be raised within a very short time. By introducing a new standardized purchasing, we have been able to establish ourselves on the market.
Change of name to the existing „maurer electronic gmbh“
In 2001 the company was renamed to the existing “maurer electronic gmbh” and legal bases and the product liability were reworded, to guarantee our customers a further safety.ause of the continuous growth of our company in Uttenweiler, we could 30 employees and 3 certified engineers. Maurer electronic gmbh was able to develop new business segments and offer them their customers.
Expansion of production
The planned enlargement of our company to a system supplier for electrical components was introduced and implemented with the implementing of our CNC milling machine. So, since 2008 we also mill terminal boxes and switch cabinets.
Certification according DIN EN ISO 9001 and DIN EN ISO 14001
Process safety and error documentation are as important as growth. To act always confident and professional towards our customers the certification according DIN EN ISO 9001 & 14001 make important demands on production and quality.
Introduction ERP-System
With the introduction of the ERP-System beyond all business processes, we could optimize our processes and create a base in the area of digitization. With the creation of a completely transparent supply chain, we see ourselves as pioneers in our company size.
Construction of a new company building
In our new building, which was planned in 2016 and implemented in 2017, will be housed the cable manufacture. Due to this restructuring we can strengthen our strongly expanding field of control cabinet.